brings you the latest images, videos and news from America's space agency. Hubble discovers Black Holes in unexpected places. This gives the galaxy a fluffy appearance, somewhat resembling cotton wool. New observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have investigated the nature of the powerful gamma-ray burst GRB 190114C by studying its environment. This is the first time that polarimetry has been used to measure cloud patterns on a brown dwarf. The algorithm produced a three-dimensional map of the underlying cosmic web structure. Certaines longueurs d’onde — les infrarouges, les ultraviolets ou encore les rayons gamma ou les rayons X — sont même partiellement, voire totalement, absorbées au passage.La couverture nuageuse et les autres aléas météorologiques ou la pollution lumineuse ne sont pas pour arranger les choses. Approximately 85 million light-years from Earth, in the constellation of Libra, is the beautiful galaxy NGC 5861, captured here by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope. This image, taken with the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows one of four arcs formed of the light from the galaxy nicknamed the Sunburst Arc. It is the shadow of a protoplanetary disc orbiting the star in the centre of the image.

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The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has recently revisited this comet for two new observations: Illustration from the Hubble Space Telescope’s observations of Fomalhaut b’s expanding dust cloud from 2004 to 2013. This image shows a region of space called LHA 120-N150. It is the shadow of a protoplanetary disc orbiting the star in the centre of the image. This smattering of celestial sequins is a spiral galaxy named NGC 4455, located in the northern constellation of Coma Berenices (Berenice’s Hair). This galaxy is 232 million light-years away, located in the northern constellation of Perseus. It is about 200 million light-years away, in the southern constellation of Pictor (The Painter’s Easel).

This image from the Digitized Sky Survey shows the planetary nebula NGC 6302 and its surroundings. The "Bat Shadow" is the nickname Hubble astronomers gave to a huge shadow cast by a young star's planet-forming disk in 2018. En 1975, l'Agence spatiale européenne (Mais le 28 janvier 1986, c'est le drame. The bands of clouds were inferred using a technique called polarimetry, in which polarized light is measured from an astrophysical object much like polarized sunglasses are used to block out glare. Far away in the Ursa Major constellation is a swirling galaxy that would not look out of place on a coffee made by a starry-eyed barista. The telescope has brought us some of the most beautiful images ever taken of our spiral neighbours — and this Picture of the Week, which features a galaxy known as NGC 4689, is no exception. New observations from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope have provided the first spectroscopic observations of two of these super-puffy planets, which are located in the Kepler-51 system. K dwarf ages can range from 15 to 45 billion years. These two glowing clouds of gas, in the centre of the frame, are located in the Large Magellanic Cloud, one of the Milky Way’s satellite galaxies. This bright, somewhat blob-like object — seen in this Picture of the Week as observed by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope — is a galaxy named NGC 1803. Abonnez-vous à la lettre d'information L'astronome Edwin Hubble a changé notre vision de l'Univers en démontrant pour la première fois au cours des années 1920 que des nébuleuses comme Andromède étaient en fait des galaxies comme la Voie lactée. © NasaL’image de gauche de la galaxie M100 a été prise quelques jours avant la mission de sauvetage. TheNASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is no stranger to spiral galaxies. Nous sommes le mardi 24 avril 1990. This remarkable spiral galaxy, known as NGC 4651, may look serene and peaceful as it swirls in the vast, silent emptiness of space, but don’t be fooled — it keeps a violent secret. 20th Anniversary Events and Exhibitions Hubble Pop Culture Contest FITS Liberator News Download User Guide (PDF) Image processing introduction FITS for education Both are among the dustiest planetary nebulae known and both contain unusually large masses of gas. This Picture of the Week, taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows a close-up view of a galaxy named NGC 2770. Thanks to collaborative observations by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, the Gemini Observatory, and the Juno spacecraft, scientists have probed deeper into the atmosphere of the planet Jupiter. For this Picture of the Week, the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope turned its powerful eye towards an emission line galaxy called NGC 3749. This image was recorded with a digital still camera. As beautiful as the surrounding space may be, the sparkling galaxy in the foreground of this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope undeniably steals the show.

Saturn 2020. This means that its spiral arms are not clearly distinguishable from each other, as in grand design spiral galaxies, but are instead patchy and discontinuous. The STS-109 crew deployed the giant telescope at 4:04 a.m. CST (1004 GMT), March 9, 2002. The telescope’s longevity allowed observations over many years, showing how the light echo traveled through space and time.The interacting galaxy pair called Arp 273 features the rose-shaped disk of the larger galaxy, which is distorted by the gravitational pull of the companion galaxy below it.This is a 50-light-year-wide view of the central region of the Carina Nebula, where a maelstrom of star birth and death is occurring. The spiral pattern shown by the galaxy in this image from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope is striking because of its delicate, feathery nature.

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